Get it Now! Slime 60089 Quick Spair Tire Inflator - 16 oz.
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Slime 60089 Quick Spair Tire Inflator Features :
- Repairs punctures and inflates in seconds
- New emergency formula
- Non-flammable
- Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) safe
- Great for slow leaks
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Slime 60089 Quick Spair Tire Inflator # Where Can You Buy ?
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To use Quick Spair, simply remove the valve cap, attach the hose and press the green button. In just seconds, the puncture is sealed and the tire is inflated. Quick Spair is non-flammable and cleans out of the tire with water, making a professional repair possible.
"Certain content that appears on this site comes from Amazon EU Associates Programme. This content is provided 'AS IS' and is subject to change or removal at any time."
Slime 60089 Quick Spair Tire Inflator - 16 oz. Reviews,