Best reviews LANGKA The Blob Eliminator
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LANGKA The Blob Eliminator Features :
- After using The Blob Eliminator, you will need to seal the paint.
- 2 OZ
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LANGKA The Blob Eliminator # Where Can You Buy ?
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The Blob Eliminator is formulated to soften the excess paint and allow you to wipe it away, leaving the corrected area perfectly smooth. Use The Blob Eliminator after allowing the touch-up paint to completely dry. To apply this product properly, you need a plastic card (included) or similar, flat item. Cover it in a soft cloth, like an old T-shirt or pillow case. Pull the fabric taut over the card and twist the excess fabric behind the card so that you're holding the card by the fabric. Apply a generous amount of The Blob Eliminator to the smooth, covered side of the card. Rub the card lightly back and forth across the painted area. As the excess paint shows up on the cloth, apply less pressure until the blob is completely gone.
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LANGKA The Blob Eliminator Reviews,